Vaganova Ballet Academy
Vaganova Ballet Academy has been included in Forbes rating of the 100 best Russian universities again

Vaganova Ballet Academy has been included in Forbes rating of the 100 best Russian universities for the third time.

The first ranking was published in 2018. Now the Russian universities are evaluated on the following metrics: "The quality of education" with a new a parameter "Teacher quality"; "Graduate quality" is a metric based on Forbes' own research; the Forbes Factor which reflects the elitism of the university.

VaganovaAcademy was not evaluated on the second metric because the research was based on surveys of 127 major companies, theaters and ballet companies were not included in the number of them.

4 creative universities were included in the rating but choreographic art is represented only by our Academy.

Video assessments for International Trainee Program have been extended till June 30

Vaganova Ballet Academy announces, that following numerous requests, video assessments for International Trainee Program (VITP) have been extended till June 30, 2020

Educational activities at the Academy while preventing the spread of COVID-19

All students of the 1/5 - 5/9 Grades of the Faculty of Performing Arts of VBA are given vacations for the period from March 17 to April 6, 2020, on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2020 No. 357.

Students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd courses of the Faculty of Performing Arts and all students of the Pedagogical Faculty are switched to remote education mode in order to create the necessary conditions for the protection of their health.

Сhanges of the dates of the International Ballet Competition VAGANOVA-PRIX

By decision of the Academic Council of the Vaganova Ballet Academy changes have been made to the dates of the International Competition "VAGANOVA-PRIX".

"VAGANOVA-PRIX" Competition will now be held every three years. The 9th Edition of the "VAGANOVA-PRIX" competition will be held in 2021.The dates are to be announced.

Teacher-retraining courses of the Autumn Semester 2020

Vaganova Ballet Academy is pleased to announce the start of registration for Teacher-retraining courses of the Autumn Semester 2020.

October 1 - 30, 2020  Junior classes
November 5 - December5,  2020 Middle classes, variations

Number of participants is limited to 5 teachers in one Course.

For information please visit the next page.

Congratulations to Pinja Rissanen on winning the Finnish National Ballet Competition!

A foreign student of the Vaganova Ballet Academy, Pina Rissanen from Finland became a winner of the 1st place (in the group of 15-16 years) at the Seventh National Ballet Competition in Finland, which was held on February 1-2, 2020 at the Alexander Theater in Helsinki.

The National Ballet Competition is unique in Finland. This is the only competition devoted to classical ballet, in which students of the choreographic schools, from all over the country take part.

Пинья Риссанен

Two students of Vaganova Ballet Academy will take part in the Prix de Lausanne 2020

Two students of Vaganova Ballet Academy – Lizi Avsajanishvili (teacher - Ludmila Kovalyova) and Vladislav Hodasevich (teacher – Aleksey Ilyin) will take part in the International ballet competition Prix de Lausanne.

The 48th edition of the world-renowned international ballet competition Prix de Lausanne will be held in February 2-9 in Montreux, Switzerland. 84 selected dancers (51 girls and 33 boys) will take part in the Prix de Lausanne 2020.

Lizi Avsajanishvili Vladislav Hodasevich

Happy New Year!

Happy New 2020 Year!

Exchange between the Vaganova Ballet Academy and John Cranko Schule

Teachers of the VaganovaBalletAcademy will participate in exchange program with John Cranko Schule (Stuttgart, Germany) within the framework of the International cultural project ‘Russian seasons’ in Germany from 8 to11 October, 2019.

Classical Dance Master Classes at the John Cranko Schule will be held by Professor of the Academy Marina Vasilieva.

Also in Stuttgart will take place lectures and discussions on the methods of teaching classical and modern dance, which will be attended by the teacher of the Academy Anastasia Breit.

John Cranko Schule is a partner of the Academy. Its students participated in Gala Concerts dedicated to the 280th Anniversary of the VaganovaBalletAcademy in Moscow in June, 2018. The Director of John Cranko Schule Tadeusz Matacz participated in Jury of the Competition ‘Vaganova-PRIX’ in St. Petersburg.

Exchange between the Vaganova Ballet Academy and Palucca University of Dance

Teachers and students of the Vaganova Ballet Academy will be guests of Palucca University of Dance (Dresden, Germany) within the framework of the International cultural project "Russian seasons" in Germany from 5 to 11 October, 2019. 

Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden

Agrippina Vaganova, as a teacher of the Leningrad school of ballet, in 1934 developed clearly defined and highly detailed teaching method and repertoire. The former Imperial School of Ballet now bears her name and this method is taught world-wide and forms the basis of many ballet training Institutions. As Vaganova said, she wrote a guide based upon her teachings, but that it is also to be adapted and evolved in the hands of Teachers, over time.  

Grete Palucca founded her school of dance in Germany in 1925. She taught a "new artistic dance", each individual is encouraged to find their own voice through dance. Now the only independent Dance University in Germany is named after Palucca, and its curriculum is now based upon the commonalities between ballet (including Vaganova method), contemporary and improvisation.

How is the Vaganova Method evolving and what are the priorities of the Vaganova Academy today?  How is the work to “break down the barriers” between ballet, contemporary and improvisation at Palucca evolving?  How are such approaches complimentary and what influence can they have on each other?

These are the themes of the Exchange and it will be explored through both Practical dance classes and Theoretical Discussions over the course of the week.

During the week, there will be ballet, classical variations, contemporary and improvisation classes with students from both the Vaganova Ballet Academy and the Palucca University of Dance participating, taught by Teachers from both Institutions, including Principal of the Vaganova Ballet Academy Nikolai Tsiskaridze on October, 7th.

Round Table Discussions for the Pedagogical Teams will take place and a Class Concert Performance will round out the week. On the 10th of October students of the Vaganova Ballet Academy will show a Suite from the ballet "Fairy Doll", a Classic Pas de deux choreographed by Fethon Miozzi and a Dance of shells from the Scene " Sea-Bottom Kingdom"of the ballet "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

Exchanges between the Vaganova Ballet Academy and the Palucca University of Dance Dresden have a long-established history, going back to many Summer Schools in Dresden in the DDR times with reciprocate visits of Palucca and students from Dresden going to Saint Petersburg and we are very looking forward to reviving this tradition through this new activity.

The visit of teachers and students to Germany will be supported by the Ministry of culture of Russia in honor of the Centenary of the "Russian seasons".